Islam Empowered
The West has been looking for an Islam that protects the territorial nation-state and prevents the establishment of the United Islamic State. But this would be an artificial, cloned form of Islam. More
Islam Empowered
The entire discourse of the secular regimes with respect to the Islamic Movement tries to put a siege to the idea of Islamic unity and the global aspect of the Islamic project. Most of the attack is More
Islam Empowered
The position of the ruling regimes towards the Islamic Movement is clear; they believe that it goes beyond the borders and ideology of the state and beyond the boundaries of nationalism and More
Islam Empowered
The conflict between Western domination and the Islamic Movement involves numerous entwined battles and implied confrontations that reveal the reality of the problem and the reality of the More
نصيحتي لك: اذكر الله [1 / 12]
سلسلة «نصيحتي لك» يقدم فيها فضيلة الأستاذ الدكتور راغب السرجاني لفتات وومضات سريعة من الشريعة لكل مسلم، ما أحوجنا إليها الآن وفي كل آن!
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